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Free Expression

CDT Applauds Introduction of the Free Speech Protection Act

On Thursday, CDT welcomed the introduction of the bipartisan, bicameral Free Speech Protection Act, led by Congressmen Jamie Raskin & Kevin Kiley and Senator Ron Wyden. The Free Speech Protection Act, endorsed by CDT and civil society partners including the ACLU, EFF, First Amendment Foundation, and Freedom of the Press Foundation, would help protect Americans’ free expression rights by providing tools to dismiss and deter federal strategic lawsuits against public participation (SLAPP).

Anti-SLAPP laws help prevent the use of courts to threaten and intimidate reporters, dissidents, and others who are frequently subject to spurious lawsuits for exercising their First Amendment rights. Even when defendants in SLAPPs succeed in getting baseless claims dismissed, they are often forced to suffer substantial financial, reputational, and other losses in order to defend themselves in court. The Free Speech Protection Act would mitigate these losses and deter SLAPPs by creating an expedited motion to dismiss for defendants who demonstrate that they are being sued for having exercised their constitutional rights, including constitutional rights of freedom of speech or the press, the right to assemble or petition, or the right of association relating to a matter of public concern.