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CDT Leads Coalition Letter Condemning PCLOB Firings. White document on a grey background.

CDT Leads Coalition Letter Condemning PCLOB Firings

CDT Submits Comments to OMB on Federal Agencies’ Use of Commercially Available Information. White document on a grey background.

CDT Submits Comments to OMB on Federal Agencies’ Use of Commercially Available Information

White document on black background.

CDT and Over 20 Civil Society Groups Call for Estimate of Americans Impacted by FISA Section 702 Surveillance

White document on black background.

CDT Joins Amicus Brief Opposing Overbroad Digital Device Searches

CDT report, entitled "Two Years After Dobbs: An Analysis of State Laws to Protect Reproductive Healthcare Information from Interstate Investigations and Prosecutions." White document on a grey background.

Report – Two Years After Dobbs: An Analysis of State Laws to Protect Reproductive Healthcare Information from Interstate Investigations and Prosecutions

CDT's Jake Laperruque Testifies Before U.S. House Homeland Security Committee on AI in National Security. White document on a grey background.

CDT’s Jake Laperruque Testifies Before U.S. House Homeland Security Committee on AI in National Security

The CDT logo. A light and dark grey "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a white background.

With the Passage of RISAA, FISA 702 Reform Has Been Delayed But Not Denied

White doc on black background.

CDT Joins Letter to Attorney General to Declassify Service Provider at Issue in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court

SAFE Act Q&A. White document on black background.

CDT Joins Others in Publishing Q&A about the Security and Freedom Enhancing (SAFE) Act of 2024

The CDT logo. A white "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a light blue background.

Wolf In Sheep’s Clothing: A Planned Amendment to This Week’s Vote Would Be the Largest Expansion of FISA in Over 15 Years

Requiring a Warrant for US Person Queries is Critical for FISA 702 Legislation. White document on a grey background.

Requiring a Warrant for U.S. Person Queries is Critical for FISA 702 Legislation

CDT Recommendations to DOJ and DHS for Transparency and Policy on Federal Law Enforcement Use of Facial Recognition. White document on a grey background.

CDT Recommendations to DOJ and DHS for Transparency and Policy on Federal Law Enforcement Use of Facial Recognition