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Graphic for CDT's Elections & Democracy work. Blue background, with "Elections and Democracy" in white and dark blue text, with a similar-colored ballot box – and a ballot with a digitized trail. Small black CDT logo.

Misinformation Doesn’t Stop When Polls Close: 3 Things to Watch after Election Day

Graphic for a CDT and University of Pittsburgh report, entitled "Hated More: Online Violence Targeting Women of Color Candidates in the 2024 US Election." Black text on a light grey background.

Report – Hated More: Online Violence Targeting Women of Color Candidates in the 2024 US Election

CDT report, entitled "Rules of the Road: Political Advertising on Social Media in the 2024 U.S. Election." White document on a grey background.

Report — Rules of the Road: Political Advertising on Social Media in the 2024 U.S. Election

Graphic for CDT's Elections & Democracy work. White background, with "Elections and Democracy" in light and dark blue text, with a similar-colored ballot box – and a ballot with a digitized trail. Small black CDT logo.

Helping Election Officials Combat Misinformation in 2024: An Updated Course from CDT and CTCL

CDT Brief, entitled "Election Integrity Recommendations for Generative AI Developers." White and blue document on a grey background.

Brief – Election Integrity Recommendations for Generative AI Developers

White document on black background.

CDT Joins Letter Calling for Meta to Maintain its CrowdTangle Tool Through the Upcoming Election Cycle

CDT Joins Letter Urging Meta to Maintain CrowdTangle, Election Integrity Efforts in Advance of Historic Year of Elections. White document, black text.

CDT Joins Letter Urging Meta to Maintain CrowdTangle, Election Integrity Efforts in Advance of Historic Year of Elections

The CDT logo. A white "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a dark grey background.

CDT Hosts Roundtable on Generative AI and Elections with U.S. Department of State Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy

Screenshot of CDT CEO Alexandra Givens speaking to a Scripps News anchor, discussing the impacts of election misinformation and disinformation.

CDT CEO Alexandra Reeve Givens Discussing Impact of Election Misinformation, Disinformation Impact Non-English Speakers

Graphic for CDT's Elections & Democracy work. Blue background, with "Elections and Democracy" in white and dark blue text, with a similar-colored ballot box – and a ballot with a digitized trail. Small black CDT logo.

CDT Submits Comments to FEC on AI in Election Communications

Graphic for CDT report, entitled "Seismic Shifts: How Economic, Technological, and Political Trends are Challenging Independent Counter-Election-Disinformation Initiatives in the United States." A menacing crack in the ground separates a voter from a voting booth.

Seismic Shifts: How Economic, Technological, and Political Trends are Challenging Independent Counter-Election-Disinformation Initiatives in the United States

Graphic for CDT's Elections & Democracy work. Blue background, with "Elections and Democracy" in white and dark blue text, with a similar-colored ballot box – and a ballot with a digitized trail. Small black CDT logo.

To Protect Elections, Protect Researchers