The Future of Speech Online 2018
Newseum Knight Conference Center
555 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC
This event will be live streamed at:
The internet has been hailed as an equalizer, enabling diverse voices to share their views. But today, many of the laws that protect speech online are being challenged, and the internet can often seem unwelcoming. At the day-long Future of Speech Online summit, experts from across aisles and sectors bring powerful and sometimes provocative perspectives and move dialogues forward.
The FOSO summit will explore challenging, wide-reaching topics including disinformation and news distribution, content moderation and the role of intermediaries, access to the internet itself, and the role of trust and power. What challenges and opportunities do speakers have online? How can we work together to shape a digital future where speech and democracy flourish?
The Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT), in partnership with the Newseum Institute and the Charles Koch Foundation, is hosting the second Future of Speech Online (FOSO) summit on December 7, 2018, at the Newseum in Washington, DC.
More details about the event, including about speakers and agenda, are available here.