The Data Privacy Summit
Eaton Hotel
1201 K Street NW, Washington, DC 20005
The Data Privacy Summit will bring together experts to map out the current landscape for privacy and data in the United States, and to chart a path forward for a user-centered data protection framework. Brought to you by Access Now.
Join us for a full-day event at the Eaton Hotel (1201 K Street NW) in Washington, D.C. to examine the contours of the data ecosystem in the United States and the need for a legislative response. The Data Privacy Summit will bring together privacy experts across different fields for an interactive dialogue to map the current data privacy debate, identify where consensus exists, and narrow existing questions where more clarity is needed, all toward the ultimate goal of achieving a comprehensive, rights-respecting data protection framework in the United States.
CDT’s Maurice Turner will be speaking.
Livestream available. More details here.