Webinar: Release of the Draft Consumer Privacy Framework for Health Data
We hosted a webinar introducing a Draft Consumer Privacy Framework for Health Data.
In the absence of a comprehensive law, we can and should do more to better protect consumer privacy. With funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF), the eHealth Initiative & Foundation (eHI) and the Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) are collaborating on a consumer privacy framework for health data. Our effort is designed to address the current gaps in legal protections for unregulated consumer health information.
Beginning last winter, we gathered experts and leaders from healthcare providers, technology companies, academia, and organizations advocating for privacy, consumer, and civil rights. This effort has explored potential pathways to address the current legal and regulatory gaps in the protection of non-HIPAA-covered data.
Watch the public conversation discussing this health data privacy framework for the first time. The complete draft framework will be posted following the webinar, and we will solicit public feedback on all aspects of the draft framework for 30 days.
Date: Aug 26, 2020
Time: 2:00 PM EST
Where: Online
Draft framework here.
Recording here.
Slides here.
Submit comments on this draft framework via email to Alice Leiter at eHI ([email protected]) or Andy Crawford at CDT ([email protected]), or visit here.