Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) – Protecting civic space and enhancing participation and representation

OECD – Parallel session 2: Protecting civic space and enhancing participation and representation
Date: Nov 17, 2022
Time: 7:45 AM – 8:35 AM
While in many countries, civic space is under strain and political participation is declining, democracies are renewing their commitment to civil liberties with innovative ways to meaningfully involve citizens in public decision-making, especially at the local and city levels. Through innovative tools these initiatives are seeking to empower citizens in public affairs and the oversight of government, for example in the form of open government, citizens’ assemblies, consultative platforms, crowdsourcing initiatives, civic activism, and many others. These initiatives form a strong evidence-base of ‘what works’, and the most recent trend has been to embed these processes as new institutions that give citizens greater voice between elections. This session will explore how new forms of citizen participatory and deliberative institutions, often facilitated by digital innovations, are contributing to expanding civic participation and political representation, helping build trust between citizens and the state, and revitalising the democratic fabric.
- Elsa Pilichowski, OECD, Director for Public Governance
- Hendrik Nahr,, EU Public Affairs Manager
- Iverna McGowan, Centre for Democracy & Technology, Secretary General
- Mário Campolargo, Portugal, Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Administrative Modernisation
- Martin Abregú, Ford Foundation, Vice President
- Paul Maassen, Open Government Partnership, Chief, Country Support