Always On: the Digital Student




Decatur House

1610 H Street, NW

Learn More

The Center for Democracy & Technology is hosting a series of interactive discussions relating to various aspects of digital life, with a particular focus on emerging technologies and the transformation of traditional industries into technology and data companies.

Our second installment of the “Always On” series will focus on the possibilities and challenges the use of data in the education sector creates. While educational data can play a powerful role in improving student achievement, realizing this potential requires safeguards for the protection of student information. As guided by complex policy questions and frameworks, thought leaders will discuss how to protect the privacy of students, teachers, and parents, while still effectively and efficiently reaping the benefits of their data.

The program will go until 5:00 p.m., followed by a networking reception at the Decatur House.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014
3:30 – 5:00 p.m.
Reception to follow

Decatur House
1610 H Street, NW
Washington, DC


Event Program


Nuala O’Connor, President, CDT

Fire starter

To be announced

Discussion Session

Each table will be tasked with answering 2-3 questions about technology in education, focusing on how data should be used, and the implications and privacy concerns stemming from different uses. Issues raised will inform the following discussion.

Moderated Discussion: Digging Deeper

Shannon Sevier, National PTA

Deven McGraw, Manatt, Phelps & Phillips LLP

Aimee Guidera, Data Quality Campaign

About Always On: 

The Center for Democracy & Technology is hosting a series of interactive discussions relating to various aspects of digital life, with a particular focus on emerging technologies and the transformation of traditional industries into technology and data companies.

Each event, limited to 125 participants, will feature brief remarks by a technology, business, or policy thought leader; followed by facilitated roundtable discussions involving all participants; and will close with panel-led outcomes and proposals. 

The events will not only generate reports to capture the outcomes of these initial discussions, but will also serve as the catalyst for a deeper, multidisciplinary engagement to delve into the topics described below. These will operate under CDT’s established working group structure, bringing together industry, advocates, government, academia, and the technology community, with the goal of developing best practices and standards for policy leaders in government and the private sector.