Election Admin and Security
Well-run, secure, and accessible elections are the bedrock of a functioning democracy. But American elections have not always lived up to this ideal. The 2000 presidential election, with its “hanging chads,” drew the nation’s attention to poorly-designed voting systems. The Russian attacks on election infrastructure in 2016 highlighted vulnerabilities in computerized election systems. And access to the vote has never been guaranteed — disabled voters and voters of color still face obstacles to voting. CDT advocates for policy and technology to support a democracy that works for everyone.
PSA: Mail-in Voting – Counting Every Vote
CDT believes every vote should be counted, even if it takes a while – trust in the vote by mail process is essential to ensuring that.
Field Guides
Election Cybersecurity Resources
Engaging Policymakers at the State Level (Presentation)
Infosec Toolkit for Election Volunteering
2018 Press Briefing: Election Security & the Midterms (Presentation + Video)
Election Officials Toolkit for Technical Volunteers
Comments on CA Secretary of State Proposed Regulatory Action on Risk-Limiting Audits