Graphic for CDT's Elections & Democracy work. Light blue gradient background, with a white and light and dark blue colored ballot box – and a ballot with a digitized trail.

Election Admin and Security

Well-run, secure, and accessible elections are the bedrock of a functioning democracy. But American elections have not always lived up to this ideal. The 2000 presidential election, with its “hanging chads,” drew the nation’s attention to poorly-designed voting systems. The Russian attacks on election infrastructure in 2016 highlighted vulnerabilities in computerized election systems. And access to the vote has never been guaranteed — disabled voters and voters of color still face obstacles to voting. CDT advocates for policy and technology to support a democracy that works for everyone.

PSA: Mail-in Voting – Counting Every Vote

CDT believes every vote should be counted, even if it takes a while – trust in the vote by mail process is essential to ensuring that.

Watch PSA

A still from an animated PSA by CDT, discussing the power of mail-in voting and the security measures around it. Six mail-in ballots are being scanned to check for barcodes, signatures, and other built-in checks to prevent double voting.

Field Guides

Election Cybersecurity Resources

Recent Content

Brief - Generating Confusion: Stress-testing AI Chatbot Responses on Voting with a Disability. White document on a grey background.

Brief – Generating Confusion: Stress-Testing AI Chatbot Responses on Voting with a Disability

Graphic for CDT's Elections & Democracy work. White background, with "Elections and Democracy" in light and dark blue text, with a similar-colored ballot box – and a ballot with a digitized trail. Small black CDT logo.

Helping Election Officials Combat Misinformation in 2024: An Updated Course from CDT and CTCL

The CDT logo. A white "cdt" alongside "Center for Democracy & Technology" on a dark grey background.

CDT Hosts Roundtable on Generative AI and Elections with U.S. Department of State Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy

CDT report, entitled "Towards Better Post-Election Audits: Insights from Election Experts." Illustration of a stack of ballots on a pillar. Top ballot is being scanned.

Report – Towards Better Post-Election Audits: Insights from Election Experts

Graphic for CDT's Elections & Democracy work. Blue background, with "Elections and Democracy" in white and dark blue text, with a similar-colored ballot box – and a ballot with a digitized trail. Small black CDT logo.

How Many Disabled People Vote Over the Internet? We Need Better Data.

CDT Comments to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission on Voluntary Voting System Guidelines. White document on a grey background.

CDT Comments to the U.S. Election Assistance Commission on Voluntary Voting System Guidelines

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